In the late 1970's Rob Johnson started a part-time business taking pictures of children's soccer, hockey and baseball teams. The popularity of children's sports teams in Burnaby, Vancouver and Lower Mainland kept Johnson busy. So much so, when it came time to develop , print, package and distribute portfolios, he was overwhelmed.

To remedy these production and logistical problems, Johnson developed a photography program. Through observation of consumer needs, development of resourceful procedures and understanding of photographic lab methods, Johnson created a whole new sport photography system. A system some have tried to copy, but none have been successful. "AAA" Sports Photography concept offers an innovative marketing approach, a proven method for photographing sports teams, a range of products unmatched in the industry, as well as several unique, state-of-art photo items. The system emphasizes speed, efficiency and professionalism when it comes time to shoot teams and individual players. Johnson says our photographers are trained to shoot 12 teams an hour. "Quite often the client cannot believe it can be done. With individual poses and then the group shot, many feel it should take much longer." Johnson goes on to add, "Once they see us work, our organized and experienced approach in action, they are very impressed." Johnson says his company's pride is at stake with each photo shoot. While he may shoot 100 teams a day, Johnson says the "AAA" System will not allow quality to be sacrificed for quantity. Johnson says the emphasis on a quality final product is matched by an uncompromising attention to customer service. Johnson says his TRIPLE "AAA"' credo can be summed up in three words: "Service, Service, Service."

"Johnson puts so much time not only obtaining clients, but in retaining them. Contact is made and monitored and regular phone calls let clients know they are cared about. This customer attention has allowed "AAA" to lock in clients. Johnson goes on to add, "AAA's high visibility in individual communities has resulted in our reputation being spread right across Canada. I have had inquiries from the Maritimes, England, USA, South America and Australia from individuals impressed by our System and products."
Some of the unique products include sport trading cards, photo buttons, pennants, magazine covers and double-take shots that superimpose one image upon another.
"I am always researching and testing new products. The competition has tried to copy many of our current products such as the double-take but cost and quality has proven to be more than they can handle. Our product and method of production ensure "AAA" remains the most popular service in the areas they operate". Staying on top of technology - and the competition - is of the essence to "AAA", and with this in mind, Johnson says he has moved "AAA" into the digital age. "AAA" now does full tournament coverage of action and offers digital products available for viewing on location before the game is over and products can be purchased "Cash & Carry" in 5 minutes.
There's a reason why we're called "AAA".
Rob Johnson
"AAA" Sports Photography
P.O. Box 80808 Burnaby, BC, Canada V5H 3Y1
Phone (604) 451-9622 or 1-877-599-5511
Fax (604) 451-9633



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